Hi there. My name is Autumn Rose J, and I'm on a mission. A few weeks back, God gave me the idea for a project. One that (with your help) could get really big.
What is this project?
I call it, The Ripple Effect.
When you drop a rock in a pond, it makes ripples. These ripples get bigger and bigger until the whole pond is affected. Our actions are like this. Everything we do affects everyone around. It could be as simple as smiling at a stranger. You don't know what that person is going through, and a simple smile could turn someone's day around, causing them to do something that helps another person, and so on. Sometimes, we don't always realize how one small thing can affect so much. It's astounding how many big things happen because of one (seemingly) tiny thing.
That's what this project is for. Maybe something a stranger--or even someone you know--said or did to you affected a choice you made which affected things you did. Maybe something you said or did affected what people you met or places you went. What I want to do is collect stories, thoughts, or anything about or on The Ripple Effect. It's not limited to the examples I gave either. Anything you want.
These stories will be posted on this blog--and hey, you never know, some of them might cause a whole new ripple! Someday, I hope to possibly compile them into a book. If I decide to use your story for a book, you will receive an e-mail from me requesting permission to do so.
Want to get involved? Send your stories to: rippleeffect.arj@gmail.com
Please circulate this among your friends and family! I believe God can make this into something really big!
you know, last year I went to the National Order of the Arrow Conference, where the theme was: The power of one. It was just completely about how one person or one action can make such a huge impact upon others. What you're talking about here sounds JUST like it! Oh and btw this is Caleb H from facebook